Tuesday 9 November 2010

Very useful links to music video and Marketing

In this post I wanted to look at the music industry in marketing and what links shows my individual music video in the ladder of populairty.

Also I wanted to look for elements that would help me look at my music video in competetion to equal up to it's standard.
Also in a way it cover my age range as well so I can look at today society target audience and what song they are looking for and my music video falls upon.

In decades gone by, misunderstood teens with questionable personal hygiene would gather in cramped independent record stores to share excitement about new music, enthuse about rare singles and discover other lost souls with a passion for southern Californian cowpunk.

This basically states that teenagers are always looking unique and individual artists, as artist show their own passion and emotion towards the music industry and turns them into a role model to the targeted audience. Good elements that show this is Lady Gaga, for her bursar fashion e.g. bubble suite, and meat suite, but Rhianna, Katy perry, and beyonce have followed her fashion in Small elements but they express it in their own aspects and link it toward their genre and style of their songs.
Also the music has to be aimed at all types so the lyrics has to be powerful and link to other people as they will have a different look upon different as everyone has a a different outlook. Love is the most powerful emotion in past and today's aspects most love links with family, friends so partying and having fun (teenagers age group), so songs today such as roll deep green light covers a flirting way at a nightclub which most times when teenagers are out they look for this or act in the same way as the people in the music video.
So it has a high range of popularity as it's a common human thing to do which increases the narrative clear so songs can be changed if needed, mise en scene and narrative e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd_4OrFH3EU&feature=related
love shy it starts with students being shy and then dance to show thier emotion. But in this video either teenagers look for narrative and would they do that when out? And a different artist and style have taken upon the style but expressed it in thier own way;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOgBFL6bJTY This is the same type of narrative but instead kids are dancing in the school instead of out and you see the teachers villians cahsing them, so in a way it spilts two age ranges into one, teacher adult generation, students teenagers and young children.
Also news are used in music channel to describe daily updates of what there favourite artist are getting up to in the world and also twitter is perfret for showing celebritys every day life which leads on to this paragraph;

But with the number of independent record stores in terminal decline and the boundaries of the internet limitless, online music social networks have sprung up to meet the demands of gregarious music lovers who want to share ideas and loves.

This says in todays aspects that they have targeted the interent to sell music and find the main artist that the audience --> mainstream, this shows more music and the popularity increase, YouTube subscribes people and shows the views to show new releases and music videos performance in popularity, twitter shows people following and supporting artists and bands artists can talk about their life and also advertise offers and deals in a way e.g. free downloads or free t shirts it an address attachment to fill in etc. Even the radio one sites aims to be popular as it have the rights towards showing the top 40 and also DJ have their own thoughts and twitter to show their favourites from their the ABC list on the actual site and shows boardcasted.

Also with the Internet ssocial networks were putting the power of discovery into the hands of fans, said Dave Haynes of Soundcloud, another social network where artists can share music. "In the past, there were just a few gatekeepers to music, and you had a powerful network of labels, A&R men, radio and TV executives and magazines who decided what you should be listening to. Now, it's so much easier to find out what your friends are listening to or what other people who like the same music on the other side of the world are recommending."

Also it gives chances for UN signed bands and people ideas to share among YouTube, the views show the taste of popularity and any gender or age looks on YouTube. To cover the negatives about online social networking the traditional bearded men behind the counter of record stores, ready with dozens of new music recommendations, haven't gone lots of those men behind counters have just moved online now, broadcasting their tastes and acting as arbiters. Now they can reach a more specific and worldwide audience rather than just the people in their shop.
The power of social networking can give daily updates of actions that took place e.g.

More artists are using social networking sites to bypass the traditional media. This weekend, rapper Kanye West took to Twitter to tell his side of the MTV Video Music awards controversy where he grabbed the microphone from country music sweetheart Taylor Swift and announced that his friend Beyoncé should have won.

On Saturday he apologised, saying as a result of the debacle he had to cancel his tour with Lady Gaga and lost employees. He wrote: "Man I love Twitter … I've always been at the mercy of the press but no more … The media tried to demonise me".

So overall;
By collaborating with big record labels and corporate giants desperate to get hold of users' personal data, social networks risk alienating the people they are attempting to bring together.

But is this positive or negative now, has it ruined music in some ways, yes because copy write and illegal downloads are taking place, but still the advertisements and media is very strong and music is being cutted down;
People were becoming more concerned about data mining and heavy-handed marketing. What the media are trying to do is put the heart and soul back into online music communities.

People need a place where they can enthuse and discover and they are doing it for the love of it, rather than the profit factor. Music is too important to be left in the hands of the music business.

How this helps me is that it shows the power in today aspect through the use of technology, now that we have Internet to the media its a probably the heart of advertisement in today's aspects.
This shows me then main parts and structure on what fans look for and where they get their music from, so my music video and track would be better if it's mainstream as more people no it, but non mainstream is still good as it's unique and thats my aim that I want. Overall I want to look for a band or artist thats popular but not the storngest mainstreams.

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