Friday 12 November 2010

Final thought and changes towards my final Design

This lesson I watched my music video 3 times but I looked for errors within my music video, to be honest I found quite a few issues this is what it came across;

  • At start I want the narrative to be show in full detail so maybe a interval will help, a 20 second scene that will show the actions the villain is held reasonable for after crash it skips into the song and 1st scene.

  • 1st scene needs to shot again but the character more cold and lip sync needs to be perfect, also the curtains needs to be drawn or change into a really dark room with just a light, makes the atmosphere more tense.

  • 00:26 - 00:28 character needs to show the anger maybe fast shakes of head and evil eyes this video below of Robbie Williams shows the perfect solution;

So now I'm addressing my conscience towards being a demon aspect, how I'm going to do this is do a shot of him shaking his head but speed up transition and at my house I have a light which dims so I can use that for the lighting affect.

Also every shot I do I gonna have the hero being more aggression in body language and speech to address him as the dominant person and overpowers the villain.

It will build up throughout until the villain realises that he's getting helped by this demon / conscience, at first the audience will think negative of the heroes but in the end he will turn out positive.

  • When getting out of bed and going downstairs needs to be alot more skecty and clear, getting out of bed is OK but I don't think its that realistic when changing clothes, at the door frame coming out of the room it needs to start then. Also the lighting and stairs was a major problem, it did not look realistic and did not go to the beat. So we will re shoot that part again but I will put lamps underneath the camera showing more light so my villain is clear to see.

  • Mise en scene in scene 2 was 'over busy' due to peoples comment, they like the setting but things such as chairs up on the table, and in the mirror there's a washing basket, the 99 shirt near the front door, and last tenderoni shot there a plant and food in the background. so it over does and ruins the narrative, it would be good if the lyrics linked to a party life.

  • The interview was not realistic at all and did not work, because of the time of deadlines we just had to find a room and shoot, the actions in the interview where perfect but the setting and costumes where out of place. As I'm in there wearing a cage fighting jacket is simply does not have any meanings to an interview, the person hiring the villain needs to be more dominating in clothes and kind of be-littles him and makes him the down grade to working class. The mise en scene just needs to be a room with a calm mood white, blue, or cream walls. Also I need to be changed for another character as I'm too young the character needs to be older to represent like he been in business for long. If it was to be perfect sharp face, big body posture, motionless expect towards job.

  • I think to make the narrative more affective and powerful we need a key frame, so looking back from start to finish we need a scene in the graveyard. Before we even start the music video there needs to be a 20 second clip showing the narrative in an clear scenery showing the villains actions which are held to judge his emotions after. So I need an girl and a villain in the car, the girl is driving and the villain is drunk, they have an argument. The argument connontates that the girl is annoyed with his drinking problems and not going to work, he grabs the girl and ends in a car crash, obviously I don't have professional stunt men and can afford a car to crash, so It will go to a black screen but the sound of car schreeing and crashing is heard and then the screen will flash white to start the song. If there was a link to a kind of video towards this it would be this;

This shows the relationship of the hero and villain, the dark night and thunderstorm link the emotion of the characters and anger and makes it more affective and tense. Obviously this is too long, but just the villain getting in the car, the car stating, the argument and then crash it should be no longer than 30 seconds which make my music video 5 minutes and not too long for the audience and bores them.
For the key frame a scene of him standing at a grave needs to be used throughout the film, it jumps back to him at the graveyard but with different clothes just staring showing that the girl is dead from the car crash and shows his dilemma in life which has made him worse and the conscience is the background staring at the villain saying you need to change who you are. The last shot will show him throwing down flowers or ripping up a sheet of paper like the interview and then skips to him raging in the house and slowly turning into a positive character, this is the best method as it shows the heroes conscience emotions and bonds into the villain turning him so throwing stuff and banging tables shows his turning and then the sheet of paper of him writing shows his turn around.

  • The mirror needs to addressed in a different room, it's pretty random that its shot in a kitchen it needs to be in the bathroom or bedroom, we might use the same mirror it depends of the room bedroom would be more ideal as bathroom is cramped.

  • I'm changing the scene 2, I want to bond some of lyrics towards the video the lyrics that are saying 'I no your thinking murder, driving in your fathers car, I will not let you disappear' I want the villain walking and getting in his car but the conscience being more negative and graphic towards him, getting in his face changing his mind. Then the lyrics ' not your fault, not your problem, not one to apologise' in an alley way of the villain being angry but the hero is still being aggressive. 'If you want tough I give you tough villain opening backdoor but them eye to eye shot skipping him to the interview scene.

  • Another new scene is going to be used hopefully, as I no the owner of koggy bar I want the villain in a pub falling of his chair but in slow motion, if we cannot have the pub then at home he could fall of the chair in the kitchen, but I want it in this addressed in speed.

But looking at this video I could make it more aggressive and powerful, I could have the character walking out the pub drunk and harassing another person (me) and then punching him and use the same affect as this, this will be used instead of the park scene and keep flashing back scenes as he's falling to the ground and then the eye transition to the graveyard.

  • The 1st tenderoni will be the same but in the bedroom as it looks more realistic for the mirror to be placed in. The last one however will be a montage of past scenes but every letter shows his past the second time shows him in a job and the the 3rd tenderoni is the conscience and him speaking to each other, this keep the audience clued and yet again shows more narrative.
  • Finally a silly mistake of mine is that we had a wine bottle which shows the femine side as usually male gender does not drink wine unless its a posh party, so this time a Carling out of a can will be used as it's more common and a strong beer to show the villains side more clear.

So really I'm just changing the scenery and adding on time to make my narrative more affective and stronger so the audience get the best possible look upon understandment. It keeping the same camera work as people liked that jester but transfer in this film.

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Weather conditions for filming;

Filming on 27th October 16:00 - 18:30 29th October 16:00 - 18:00 30th October 14:00 - 18:00