Tuesday 9 November 2010

My chosen song / lyrics and meaning of it

With my chosen song I had to take the lyrics and what the artist has rephrased it to;

Been running with the rude boys
For much too much too long
You think you are one of them - these 3 lines connects in ways of he the person has been in a past group, but I want to rephrase it almost the same but like been hanging out with negative people which has made the villain who he is.
Every time that we kiss
It seems you are holding back
Don't be so quick to pull away - This revoles to a past love, but instead of kiss i want to relvole it like everytime you look for a way out you don't have the guts to.
Away,away,away,away - this could connontate that my villain is pulling away form the positive in the narrative.

I know you're thinking murder
Driving in your father's car
I will not let you disappear - In meaning the person has reached breaking point and using items that relate to his family and personal life, as my main charcter / artist is an hero it can link to his farther buying his car but he wants to end his life or carry on for his existence but his conscience is saying I'm not letting you do that!
Not your fault

Not your problem
Not one to apologize
If you want 'tough', I'll give you 'tough'! - This is perfect for basically the villain saying to his conscience it's not my fault not my problem its my past / childhood but in reality he / she has gone wrong and the conscience bites back and says you made yourself that way in thinking in the negative.

She said she was
More than this
And she would rot the brain in the head - This is love related again, but 'she' could be the mother. In graphical content she / the mum could of passed away due to beer related sources like my villain could be following, this brings out the meaning in a clear image.
She said she was
More than this
And you would rot the brain in the head - Basically in my term his mum said I can change but she did not, i could have a shot of him a the gravestone for the clear image.


Tenderoni means slang terminology which refers to a younger male or female love interest or someone too young to talk to or become involved with. It is composed of "tender", which is a synonym for young and "roni" which usually serves as an affectionate diminutive towards a male or female.
But I want this part of his conscience talking to him, like it a special word which connect him to him and turning things around.

So overall in my lyrics I can now structure and use my ideas in shots to shot in my storyboard and in own development towards my feelings to this song.

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Weather conditions for filming;

Filming on 27th October 16:00 - 18:30 29th October 16:00 - 18:00 30th October 14:00 - 18:00