Friday 1 October 2010

Looking more into detial of an indivual students work and comparing to my music video

Mr smith blog and look at

Demo Kid - She Makes My Heart Go

As this piece of work got an high level from individual work I am going to analysis this to look for position of camera and where the person is stood, also the background, mise en scene, and any connections or ideas that can be developed upon and transferred in my video.

Basically through out this video its just the individual singer and the background is put into action with the use of the green screen, this right away is a problem between connections, I would love to use this but our schools resources does not simply have that advance equipment, so when watching videos like this I need to try and blank out the use of the green screen.
An back up plan is that I do art A levels I can draw onto paper scan the image and add it in to the video, but the only problem is that is might be boring and tacky which I don't want.

00:30 - 00:38 I like how the camera shots are placed, this is what I want in my video when my singer comes into affect, the black and white effect is good also because it can describe the characteristic of the narrative and mediates the emotion throughout.
00:46 I like what the character is wearing this is the kind of style that i want for my character as well, just today fashion but no to over the top in designer wearment e.g. all saints, it would overcrowd the background in my video due to the mise en scene. This colour and design of this jacket would look good for a Winter or Autumn effect which is perfect for my video as my 3 set is outside in a park so maybe I could use a link off this jacket.
00:47 - 00:48 I like how body jester can be adapted upon art, this could work in my music video as in the intro of my film will have my lead singer only and need to make it interesting to hook the audiences attension and not bore them before the next scene comes into affect, as again we do not provide the green screen maybe I could have my character click his fingers and a spotlight comes in or every step my character take the colour of the light change, it's just little things like this which keeps the mind active and amused throughout and then the next scene refreshes and changes the whole concept which on what I'm planning to get out of people.
Overall from watching this video all that it does it gives a simple mind map of the layout of the video, In my opinion it's an boring clip, but I dont like the style of music and does not connect with me, it uses the same background and the same icons and shots which I don't find invented enough, but it's good for the affect of just the individual person representing his emotion and narrative of the story and also selling of his name this is what i need to take into cinsideration as well, how does my character or characters in the video sell the artists or bands name? I want to aim at a band kind of affect but as there is one singer it maybe an issue by affecting audience in a different repsonse as people may not follow the band part asnd that it's just one person singing so it should be an artist. How I cover this is by putting three charcters in my video to make it look like a band.
As the bits I mentioned gives me ideas but mostly I just gives me ideas of where to place my character and what shots I could use due the tempo of the song.
And last but not least I really find 3:25 - 3:40 even though it near the end of the song it's perfect for what I'm hoping to gain, I want the character to make it look like the music is powerful and affective, so by using the same shots and just jolting the movement can show a powerful gesture. And the use of hue in the background can show the mise en scene of as well.

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Weather conditions for filming;

Filming on 27th October 16:00 - 18:30 29th October 16:00 - 18:00 30th October 14:00 - 18:00