Thursday 13 January 2011

Final Cd Cover

Finally have finshed my final design for the CD digipack.

How I gained this outcome is that looking back from reserch and feedback from my draft I knew I had to take out these main issues first;

  • Change the mise en scene, to over whelmbing as doesn't have generic comparsion with combine another.
  • That only one character should be in the shots, more easier for the audeince to read the story but harder to join it in with the expressment that combines into one narrative.
  • The font and sizes need to altered to prefection in my final digipack.
  • Keep colour theme simple and not too overcompliated, if can keep face clear so we can see how the character thinks.
These were the main elements that with critical feedback made me look into depth and pick up on these errors.

Looking at other people digipack the cast are simply placed in mid shot, close ups. This gave me more confidence just to express my cast in the same way.

With the text I kept the same but just organisned it so it was spaced and the eye is drawn when only needed to be as the picture expresses the whole story.
In the middle I only placed my other casts name on an insturment so the other is not taking all the credit from my music video, also it's good to show how many cast members there are.

With the colour theme as my music video connotates a cold and dark story black and white was used to make it old, the props in the back such as the match is used for mystery and fire / anger. The dead tree show non life and maybe the type of season or that the character has generic links in the album the angle the charcter is stood shows dominance as the upper body is pushed out and staring into the distance which make me think that he his thinking about something from the past and gives of this tense and eriay atmosphere.

I took the shots with my phone and developed them on photoshop when transferred to media computer in school. One of my family members took the shots for me but I directed how to take the shots. Overall I am impressedand relieved with the outcome that I got, it was easy to ctach the lens flare so when the light effect was on it radiatied off and brung out the texture more.

Also with the middleI copyed the photos and reverse so it show good and evil hense different coloured light red being anger blue being calm, so I could express a dilemma and solution a combined comparasion in my music video with the conscience / hero interacting with the villain.

I find now that my digipack is comfortable with competetion my reserch has paid off and reference resources towards my final design and that the elements have been developed in a unique way.

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Weather conditions for filming;

Filming on 27th October 16:00 - 18:30 29th October 16:00 - 18:00 30th October 14:00 - 18:00