Wednesday 15 September 2010

Overall what im looking for in a music video:

I have choosen to work on my own, as from last year I experienced some decisions that I did not agree with. Ill be honest I lie to have an organisned pa and that people will not let me down as some thins happened last year. No ones perfect but I can set my own goals and I feel more comfortable with stick to them and knowing that I can achieve them.
I like to work on my own and generate unique and fine ideas. What I'm looking for m my music video is that one individuation can change a certain narrative and link with afterlife to the future and see the changes within them.

The genre I i'm most interested in and it high for me to choose is trance retro as its different compared to other genres that I normally listen to. I tend to listen to rock but then in the rock genre some grunge trance is expressed e.g. Hadoken!, Pendulum, and also its a mysterious range of sounds made into one, so links and sources are lower expected which is good for the unique aspects.

I found these videos that i think will help me;

The storng point of getting influence across is Kele and also Bloc party, the artist is in the same bands but have different outlooks upon them.
This video is one more chance, looking through research from youtube it refers to 'wannabe icons' so it like they want to be famous, the mise en scene gives me a outlook as showing the working class. As the mise en scene illustrates people with a keyboard and a tattered apartment and looks messy and old.
I can already picture a connection and paint a very narrow minded idea.

It shows that that these characters want to be famous and want to be presented in life for something on youtube, the clever thing is that t people in the video are famous youtube clips. I like it also how it's only the artist in the video, it's him aiming the story across and this is want he comes across very clear in expressions and the shows/ describes the best to his abilities to perform. his influences what I'm aiming towards to do in my music video.
I was looking at the narrative of this story mostly and think it would be very useful for what i want to do;

I want a boy who doesn't know how to dance or lacks something in life, but in a ironic way he does good and makes it in a high point and makes him the main attraction and everyone stands out from him, and the main singer helps him on his journey.

Also I've got to consider the like the costumes for e.g. the glasses shows that they have a sterotype of being a 'nerd' antisocial and not in the popular ranking. Also plain boring clothes such as a white vest and joggers shows a lower class again, I want this to work in my video that a person starts of lower class to higher class so looking from this video I can look at the costumes and mise en scene to picture an more effective layout.

In this video I wanted to look at the over the top costume and how the speed of the song I could express different emotions and vibes and present that I could use in the video, and if I and the audience can keep up with the cut shots.

Also I wanted to look at the animation that is was sustainable and suitable to use to do limitations in the place and environment I'm working in.I like this video as it's clear to read, looking at this video it looks like a cartoon movie that links to like power rangers and godzilla, there's a lot of light flashing and also bright and fast movement kind of like a Japan CGI film which are popular in some cultural aspects.

It zaps the auidence into action and gets them watching, basically what I want to find in my music video. But maybe also focus on slow tempo to a fast impactive chorus.

The only disadvantage is that CGI will be hard but the CGI I want to use in my video is speeding up movement on the camera and quirky e.g. I could pause stop and go so it looks like movement without primary life substances and that shows it un-realistic but cool ad entertaining.
This video is good for that, that it's completely random but has references to evolution and scientists researching today. The costumes in this video will be hard to find so i think todays fashion trends for the main singer will be more on the mind.

This video I wanted to look at the past and future and how they can work within a music video, you see the historical monkeys that has connections with evolution and they are creating a random bull lobster typed thing. But however this bull goes world wide and is popular to people, maybe because it unique and new.

I'm looking for the change in society so maybe a icon like this can lead and show to the meaning of the change, and also what I like is that the artist does not have to be used in the video making more professional presentation as his voice is part of the story. Voice are main and powerful due to tone of voice and accents.

It also shows the life of this create and how it affects people in the cultural code, in my music video I want someone like pressing buttons to change the society, like a mysterious leader / god that can change music in a instant.

Overall these music videos have narrowed down my pathways to thinking towards what song could make a successful combinational aspects. And that to research Kele and Other links refernced to him.

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Filming on 27th October 16:00 - 18:30 29th October 16:00 - 18:00 30th October 14:00 - 18:00