Tuesday 28 September 2010

My pitch And Feedback

This is what I described as in my slides;

  1. "This is my pitch, the music video I have chosen is Kele Tenderoni, normally I would choose the rock genre but I wanted a bit more of a challenge. Kele has two band bloc party, bloc party is more electro indie and couldn't make it a comparison with what I was looking for. But he has his own band called Kele and this is more impactive music, and with the beats that he made I will find it easier and benefit more"
  2. "Obviously my genre is going to be electro house, basically is beat upon beat and it what is played in nightclubs so it aims more towards teenagers."
  3. "This is my narrative in my story, as you can see in the picture I want to look at the non workers in life compared to the people who do work and show the detail in the most graphic detail I can manage".
  4. "I want lighting affect in my music video as well, as you can see in the picture I want like light glowing and add affect such as glitches within them to make it work"
  5. "I don't the right definition but I call it speed animation and this is what I want to use in my music video (video plays) so basically you can see what I want and how I'm going to manage to do that it pause the camera and take a step forward and change tops."
  6. "Basically what i say there's no musical instruments just beat upon beat."
  7. And finally I want a mysterious icon, as this song is called 'tenderoni' I don't know! But if you look at this clip he spells it out (video playing) so what your seeing here I what i said (video stops) so every time he says a letter the camera angle will change and I will use speed animation within it as well.

After the brief presentation that I presented to my media class I got feedback of question waiting to be answered.

  • Will you have advanced equipment at home as the school provides a limited amount ??? "I'll be honest and say no, but With the speed animation that I can do is going to be harder but its still successful to do it may take some time though with could be a slight threat.
  • How will you do the lighting affect ??? "I will have to book out the hall in the school as it provides on stage lighting, what I will do is properly have dancers or just the one singer and used a strobe light and every time it flickers I will use the speed animation to effect."
  • It is just you in this video then ??? No I wanted to be in the video but the teacher provided not to as I have torn my ligament in my leg and out until start of December, so what I have done is chosen 3 of my friends to help out, one will be the singer another will be the narrative and the last will be the dilemma within the story being told."
  • Where are you filming just in school ??? No I will use the hall for school as soon as I can book it and also one of my friends house I'm going to use as well and try and find a separate room to make it into a job interview.
  • I still don't fully understand the narrative describe it more in detail. Basically it shows the society today and free loaders in this world, the singer is going to use as the icon as kind of his mind talking to him telling him to get of his back side, so half of the music video will show you the negative side of the person and then the outcome if you do work hard for your place.

After the feedback I can now look upon the main points of what the audience will be focusing on and I need to make certain parts more entertaining to keep my audience peeled to the screen.

1 comment:

  1. Dan, at some point include a post where you respond to these concerns. I know you've answered the points in the post above but you may find through planning that some of your ideas have to be modified, any modifications need blogging about as this shows your work has been informed by audience feedback.


Weather conditions for filming;

Filming on 27th October 16:00 - 18:30 29th October 16:00 - 18:00 30th October 14:00 - 18:00