Wednesday 29 September 2010

Costumes - Looking at kele.

In this post I will be looking at kele in the terms of what he wears, the reason why is I want to develop upon kele fashion sense and have my singer looking more in the terms of trance wearment, so this might lead of to looking at fashion at nightclubs as well.

Looking through photos and videos of kele he can pull of to different kinds of technique in fashion;

From this presentation I looked at basic knowledge of fashion with links and evidence towards today's society and my narrative, target audience. It cover a range of mind mapping my final product.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

My pitch And Feedback

This is what I described as in my slides;

  1. "This is my pitch, the music video I have chosen is Kele Tenderoni, normally I would choose the rock genre but I wanted a bit more of a challenge. Kele has two band bloc party, bloc party is more electro indie and couldn't make it a comparison with what I was looking for. But he has his own band called Kele and this is more impactive music, and with the beats that he made I will find it easier and benefit more"
  2. "Obviously my genre is going to be electro house, basically is beat upon beat and it what is played in nightclubs so it aims more towards teenagers."
  3. "This is my narrative in my story, as you can see in the picture I want to look at the non workers in life compared to the people who do work and show the detail in the most graphic detail I can manage".
  4. "I want lighting affect in my music video as well, as you can see in the picture I want like light glowing and add affect such as glitches within them to make it work"
  5. "I don't the right definition but I call it speed animation and this is what I want to use in my music video (video plays) so basically you can see what I want and how I'm going to manage to do that it pause the camera and take a step forward and change tops."
  6. "Basically what i say there's no musical instruments just beat upon beat."
  7. And finally I want a mysterious icon, as this song is called 'tenderoni' I don't know! But if you look at this clip he spells it out (video playing) so what your seeing here I what i said (video stops) so every time he says a letter the camera angle will change and I will use speed animation within it as well.

After the brief presentation that I presented to my media class I got feedback of question waiting to be answered.

  • Will you have advanced equipment at home as the school provides a limited amount ??? "I'll be honest and say no, but With the speed animation that I can do is going to be harder but its still successful to do it may take some time though with could be a slight threat.
  • How will you do the lighting affect ??? "I will have to book out the hall in the school as it provides on stage lighting, what I will do is properly have dancers or just the one singer and used a strobe light and every time it flickers I will use the speed animation to effect."
  • It is just you in this video then ??? No I wanted to be in the video but the teacher provided not to as I have torn my ligament in my leg and out until start of December, so what I have done is chosen 3 of my friends to help out, one will be the singer another will be the narrative and the last will be the dilemma within the story being told."
  • Where are you filming just in school ??? No I will use the hall for school as soon as I can book it and also one of my friends house I'm going to use as well and try and find a separate room to make it into a job interview.
  • I still don't fully understand the narrative describe it more in detail. Basically it shows the society today and free loaders in this world, the singer is going to use as the icon as kind of his mind talking to him telling him to get of his back side, so half of the music video will show you the negative side of the person and then the outcome if you do work hard for your place.

After the feedback I can now look upon the main points of what the audience will be focusing on and I need to make certain parts more entertaining to keep my audience peeled to the screen.

Monday 27 September 2010

25 word pitch for my music video

When trance meets society, this music video will show the meaning of the working class in life adding a mysterious jester in its path.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Kele - Behind the style;

In this piece of phrase im going to look at the style of genre of music i'm focusing on;
Listening to kele's work and progression I would recommend the music as Electro House trance, but looking into more depth I would his bloc party and his own work as

Alternative Rock - is a genre of rock music that emerged around the 1980s and became widely popular in the 1990s. Alternative rock consists of various sub genres that have emerged from the independent music scene since the 1980s, such as grunge, Brit pop, Gothic rock, and indie pop.
At times alternative rock has been used as a catch-all phrase for rock music from underground artists in the 1980s, and all music descended from punk rock. The typical instruments that used in alternative rock is electric and bass guitars drums and sometimes keyboards, but also sound effect and editing on decks could be used as well e.g. Kele walk tall.
A good example of alternative rock is the killers (indie alternative) , lostprophets (rock alternative) , enter sharki (trash rock alternative).

Post-punk revival-The post-punk revival was a development in alternative rock of the late
20th and early 21st centuries in which bands took inspiration from the original sounds and aesthetics of post-punk of the late 1970s. SO basically its an upgrade from alternative but aimed and focused on indie rock so it has a softer beat from all instruments. The instruments that are used are the same as alternative rock.
They feature a more artsy, complex sound than other branches of indie rock, and often add synthesizer or other electronic sounds to the traditional guitar, bass, and drums lineup.
Also looking in the terms of punk, it's a more sharper and blunt narrative of getting the message across to audience. It cuts down straight to the chase and leaves mostly a closed question at the end. In other terms it was to describe those groups which in the late 1970s and early 1980s took punk and started to experiment with more challenging musical structures, lyrical themes, and a self-consciously art-based image, while retaining punk's initial iconoclastic stance, such as Joy Division, The Cure, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Public Image Ltd.
Also they aim in term of power ballads as well, some songs have stronger meaning and the beat that goes with it also to be transferred into a successful ballad.

Dance - Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting.
So in some of Kele I found examples for e.g;
[kele tenderoni - 0:39 - 1:08]
This is a perfect example of kele's progression in work, he's adding on another beat upon another to add movement of the beat, the tempo speeds up as a beat is inflicted, so its a ongoing pulses of energy throughout the whole song. His tone and speed and voice stays the same to express the emotion of sounds more clear and makes it more affective.

Also another good example is this and he uses the same technique as tenderoni;
[kele walk tall 0:00 - 0:59]
If you hear the pase of the background it gets more louder as new beats are taken into place and yet again kele voice and pase stays the same, his tone is more higher as it will match the pitches in the music beats as well.

Also researching through the terms of dance with music it may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication between humans, and is also performed by other animals (bee dance, patterns of behaviour such as a mating dance). Other examples on influence of noverbal communication could link to sports such as Gymnastics (blance is involved), figure skating and synchronized swimming are sports that incorporate dance, while martial arts kata are often compared to dance moves, as i train in some martial arts alot can be co-ordinated in dance structures.

Dancing has evolved many styles. Breakdancing and Krumping are related to the hip hop culture. African dance is interpretive. Ballet, Ballroom, Waltz, and Tango are classical styles of dance while Square and the Electric Slide are forms of step dances.
The main focus that I will focus on various things as break dancing, from looking at step up one two and three and stomp the yard I can relate to that kind of method in my msuic video and also this video;

With this music video i can focus on the certain dance moves made and revovle it around my music as my lead singer will be required, but I want slow motioned affects with it aswel
looking at kele Tenderoni i might have some background dancers but I want like a gliching type of effect like they flash on and off the screen. (looking for video atm for an example).

Every dance, no matter what style, has something in common. It not only involves flexibility and body movement, but also physics. If the proper physics is not taken into consideration, injuries may occur so looking at the health and safety aspects I need to take this into consideration when shooting for my video and asking a different person to do a certain move, so my moves need to less of a risk factor and look at the spacing I've got.

From this I've learnt for my music video that it more than asked for and higher expectations are needed to be taken into consideration, also i have a more focused outlook on the type of style / genre I want to do and makes the mise en scene easier to work out to link to my music video. And yet again there are examples will can lead into a different outlook in my progress of work as well.

The boxer: Kele

The Boxer

Is the debut solo album by Kele Okereke. I focused on this album more than the other as it his debut which means probably more effort went into this one.

Okereke released the album under the professional name of Kele on 21 June 2010. So this is a recent album which works well in today aspect and covers my narrative really for e.g. i didn't want 1980's music and lyrics which revolved around then.

As promotion, he uploaded the songs "Rise" and "Walk Tall" to his personal website on 13 May. The first single from The Boxer was Tenderoni", released on 14 June, and the second, Everything you wanted", on 16 August, I have looked at these certain tracks and taken them more into consideration than the other ones; but i listened to the whole album and Tenderoni and everything u wanted and walk tall stood out for me anyway, I will look more in depth to these to make my final decision on what I want.

Also I can look at it from an audiences view of what they like the most so maybe in the music video I'm searching for maybe I could carry out surveys and that to progress and find the best estimate within my own confidence and also the know what a vast majority of audience wants.

Also looking through his album the track are fairly long, this could maybe be a problem, but a good problem in my eyes, more stuff will have to be involves and by keeping the audience entertained but in that way for me I can construct more ideas form my research into one.

Looking from the influence that Kele had XXX change helped him with his songs, looking through research of XXX change I found out that is an American rapper. His style is generally described as a mix of underground alternative rap and electro and rock. There is often confusion surrounding his name since collaborative releases have appeared under his name only, though are generally considered "group" efforts - similar to rock acts like Alice Cooper or Marilyn Manson. So his Kele is more of a team based effort, this I think is good cause many ideas and effort goes into one song which is what I want to gain just by an individual working. Also looking from the rock aspects I will now listen to some certain songs of there's and see if there is a comparison with the mixing of tunes and ideas, so I can look at XXX change compared to management and team work within group development if needed to.

The album received generally favourable reviews from critics also, this yet again is good, this is basically saying that there are lots of mixed reviews towards this certain album and became popular. Critics normally look at the style of music that links with the singer and the narrative of the whole album and as it say favourable reviews it means it was successful in it purposes to sell to audiences.

Looking at the album cover I don't really like it, I find it plain and boring in my opinion, but I can see the emotion it vibes off. Due to the background and body language the characters position sat in, and also the symbol of taping up his hand it meets the narrative of the title.
The album cover I'm looking for is this;
[Kid cudi man on the moon]

So looking from this album cover I want it to be cartoon and mysterious so it gives the audience complete confusion and interest to why the album is like this, also kid cudi's music is similar to Kele so the genre revolves and is the same as well, this gives me more inspiration to look upon this album cover than others.

So by just looking through one album I've learnt that alot of effort from different backgrounds can all go into one successful produced album, so I need to look for recent backgrounds and develop more of MY ideas into my album cover and most importantly my music video. Also it meets the mise en scene within my music video as well.

Friday 17 September 2010

looking at other recent students music videos:

In this post I will looking for students past work and what elements I can find which link to my research through kele's music and also what i find interesting within certain music videos.

It also sets the standard base on how much I can go to due to the technology in which the school provides.

The place where I've researched is on Mr smiths blog named 'Mr smiths music video blog' (as I'm following him).
Scanning through I found this video very useful and interesting;

This sounds very much like bloc partys indie stuff. The intro of this song is like the intro to helicopter of bloc party.
I like this video aswel cause its energetic and the shots change to every beat;

In this verse every beat that is played the camera shot is moved to the spot which creates a ongoing and interesting sequence, its busy and works and snaps the audience attention straight away.

For my music I would like a intro that every beat changes camera shot on one person, I am looking for a short burst of quick and energetic movement to illustrate that through the whole music video it's going to be kept to a fast pase.
This would be aimed at teenagers so far due to the colourful background and the sounds is chilled out and mature which makes the music clear and clean and easy to pick up on the actions in shots.

This is an perfect example of what I want to do with animation, but in my video I wanted to do a person walking in the way of the photo being moved around, this will good for creativity and keeps the audience interested.

I want to speed up the camera so it's not in the form of copyright but I've had a influence from this technique, so it will relate to the the pace and tempo of my music video as it will be fast and jumpy.

Here's another example of what I could and can do with jump camera affects, but as from hearing the background music as the tempo of the symbols on drums are being hit it gets faster so the glitching speeds up with it as well which so looking at my video if there is a certain part which speeds up I could maybe use an affect such as this to make it look successful and also keep my audience inspired and entertained.
Also its the same shots but speeded up but it doesn't matter if in every second 2 shots would of gone past.

This part I could use as a flashback of a past event, as my music video is to with work in life I could look back upon like the past life of my character e.g. in school. How I could illustrate this is a sketchy camera from a point of view shot, basically an example of this but the band in this video looks like there organising somthing like they are progressing through there work.

So from this I've gain example that I can use in my music video from basic camera and mise en scene and I can see the standard that I need to progress up to, to gain the best grade I can possibly get. And also as I've researched band I can look at things such as if I've got 3 characters in my video I could maybe use these examples.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Research through kele / bloc party

Kele Okereke

Kele Okereke was born in Liverpool to Catholic Igbo Nigerian parents. His mother was a midwife, and his father a molecular biologist. He grew up in London with his one sister. As a child, he went to school at Ilford County High School (where he was known as Rowly), but switched to Trinity Catholic High School, Woodford Green for sixth form at age 16. He lived in Bethnal Green, and in 1998 he became friends with a student of nearby Bancroft's School, Russell Lissack, who would become his band's guitarist.

A year later, while studying at King's College London, Okereke met Lissack again at Reading Festival, where the band was officially formed under the title of The Angel Range. In 2001, Okereke moved out of his parents' home. He went on to meet Gordon Moakes and Matt Tong who became the band's permanent bass guitarist and drummer, respectively.

In 2003, the band changed its name to Bloc Party after briefly being called Union.

The reason why I've researched this person is because I targeted his songs and referred them towards my what i wanted to gain and then use one of his song is his other band 'kele' with this research it just shows and links to evidence within backing up my influenced on an artist.

Also with the under-lined words above I can research into them as well and find resources that could be useful to me aswel.

This is very weak research but it will help if need to fall back upon things they may occur through my journey.

Bloc Party -

Bloc party is another band that kele is the lead vocalist and team leader of this band as well. I was quite interested in this as some of bloc party songs are indie typed things such as skeleton and helicopter. But looking at 'flux' and also 'mercury' and 'one month off' I can see that he is trying to covert indie into kind of a trance beat, which I found interesting.

Also looking at these video and the animation it gives me more ideas such as animation, it can describe the emotion of movement and gives and makes the mood more creative and unique. Also I think looking through these video it covers a wider fan range as in the older range of 'old school' such as the super heroes in flux and also little red riding hood in one month off, it influences people through past thing that they reconsigned (andy).

Looking at this video it has an impactive intro so he starts of all sweet and nice and then the tank shows the twist of the mood showing more dominance in the song asking it appealing and powerful powerful and explosive. So looking at it in music video perspective I could add maybe an icon / comparisons such as this and try and make an affect.

The animation is in 3d and the mise en scene is bright and straight reminds me of a recent event, also the characters are made out clay, bloc party may of used this in the video for things such as make believe and also bringing the message across in a different way, or it was the easiest and best way to. Also it makes the animation more affective to it's audience and goes with the beat through jerky movement maybe because of the fast pase of tempo and also a hint of quirky vibes.

Also looking through research of Bloc Party progression and performance of success they have reached mainstream but not proper mainstream, for e.g. In 2005, Bloc Party released their first studio album, titled Silent Alarm. The album reached number three in the UK charts, and propelled the band to fame. Despite this, Okereke continued to study English literature at university. Until the release of Silent Alarm, he had kept his musical activities secret from his parents, maybe a surprise or generic links?

So they made it in the album charts but not reaching the number one of even top ten which in these days has a major impact. As if an album hits number one it hits the news and maybe newspapers and magazine and definite in the itunes channel for advertisements and also different purposes such as a 'break through album' or 'runner up for Brits or MTV rewards' so bloc partys work to get known but not known enough.
This changes the whole fan base rating and keeps it in a sustained and controlled populism base, which then Kele at live gigs. How this helps me it make an unique a but things which could mediate me to an controlled video. Meaning that have an easy narrative and mediates all resources into one sector. The group that I'm aiming for it mainly the fact I need to be careful in which I present. (aged 15 and over).

Another example for progression of performance and targets is this;

The band released their second album A Weekend in the City on 5 February 2007 in the UK and 6 February in the US. The album debuted at #12 in the Billboard 200 with 48,000 copies sold, and reached the #2 spot in the Official UK Chart.

Another example which gives me a more of a clear estimate of what to make my music like and also the music track i'm thinking of. Looking through this research I want a music video that has a catchy beat that people remember and also a strong meaning that can link to the music in the best possible way.

Personal Life:

What I wanted to look at here is that if I could find elements of expressions and emotions from the artist himself and that I can take these and use them in body language and facial expressions within the cast in my music video. Through research i found this;

Kele Okereke is extremely shy;
The reason why i no this is that he has expressed disdain for interviews, asking one interviewer from Skyscraper magazine, "Why is it important to know what I had for breakfast? Or who I went to bed with? Or what sneakers I am wearing? If it's relevant to understanding my music, then so be it. But if it's purely to satisfy the media's obsession with celebrity, then no thanks. I don't want to play that game."

So from this quote I can already see that he is focused on his music and not anything thats non irrelevant. He is quite a determined artist.

Also i found this aswel;

In March 2010 Okereke came out as gay in a butt magazine article, he then gave an interview and appeared on the front cover of the June 2010 issue of attitude magazine. Previously he had been reluctant to discuss his sexuality, though he had compared himself to famous bisexuals Brian Molko and David Bowie, as well as Morrissey.
He also discussed the homoerotic story behind his song "I Still Remember" and the semi-autobiographical nature of it. In June 2010 Kele was named as the Sexiest Out Gay Male Artist by music website in its annual survey.

This shows his emotion through shy I think, as my sexually is not homosexual this will be a different challenge to me, but looking at his songs through beats and genre, and the one that I've chosen it's not based in any single way of the term homosexual.
The reason why I researched this is that I still can look at various things and interviews and also find links to my music video, also it shows not everything goes to plan.

Like I said this is very weak research but from it I've have gained little factors and evidence which tweak up a more successful music video and relates more to my artist that I'm researching upon and expands my knowledge further into him.

Overall what im looking for in a music video:

I have choosen to work on my own, as from last year I experienced some decisions that I did not agree with. Ill be honest I lie to have an organisned pa and that people will not let me down as some thins happened last year. No ones perfect but I can set my own goals and I feel more comfortable with stick to them and knowing that I can achieve them.
I like to work on my own and generate unique and fine ideas. What I'm looking for m my music video is that one individuation can change a certain narrative and link with afterlife to the future and see the changes within them.

The genre I i'm most interested in and it high for me to choose is trance retro as its different compared to other genres that I normally listen to. I tend to listen to rock but then in the rock genre some grunge trance is expressed e.g. Hadoken!, Pendulum, and also its a mysterious range of sounds made into one, so links and sources are lower expected which is good for the unique aspects.

I found these videos that i think will help me;

The storng point of getting influence across is Kele and also Bloc party, the artist is in the same bands but have different outlooks upon them.
This video is one more chance, looking through research from youtube it refers to 'wannabe icons' so it like they want to be famous, the mise en scene gives me a outlook as showing the working class. As the mise en scene illustrates people with a keyboard and a tattered apartment and looks messy and old.
I can already picture a connection and paint a very narrow minded idea.

It shows that that these characters want to be famous and want to be presented in life for something on youtube, the clever thing is that t people in the video are famous youtube clips. I like it also how it's only the artist in the video, it's him aiming the story across and this is want he comes across very clear in expressions and the shows/ describes the best to his abilities to perform. his influences what I'm aiming towards to do in my music video.
I was looking at the narrative of this story mostly and think it would be very useful for what i want to do;

I want a boy who doesn't know how to dance or lacks something in life, but in a ironic way he does good and makes it in a high point and makes him the main attraction and everyone stands out from him, and the main singer helps him on his journey.

Also I've got to consider the like the costumes for e.g. the glasses shows that they have a sterotype of being a 'nerd' antisocial and not in the popular ranking. Also plain boring clothes such as a white vest and joggers shows a lower class again, I want this to work in my video that a person starts of lower class to higher class so looking from this video I can look at the costumes and mise en scene to picture an more effective layout.

In this video I wanted to look at the over the top costume and how the speed of the song I could express different emotions and vibes and present that I could use in the video, and if I and the audience can keep up with the cut shots.

Also I wanted to look at the animation that is was sustainable and suitable to use to do limitations in the place and environment I'm working in.I like this video as it's clear to read, looking at this video it looks like a cartoon movie that links to like power rangers and godzilla, there's a lot of light flashing and also bright and fast movement kind of like a Japan CGI film which are popular in some cultural aspects.

It zaps the auidence into action and gets them watching, basically what I want to find in my music video. But maybe also focus on slow tempo to a fast impactive chorus.

The only disadvantage is that CGI will be hard but the CGI I want to use in my video is speeding up movement on the camera and quirky e.g. I could pause stop and go so it looks like movement without primary life substances and that shows it un-realistic but cool ad entertaining.
This video is good for that, that it's completely random but has references to evolution and scientists researching today. The costumes in this video will be hard to find so i think todays fashion trends for the main singer will be more on the mind.

This video I wanted to look at the past and future and how they can work within a music video, you see the historical monkeys that has connections with evolution and they are creating a random bull lobster typed thing. But however this bull goes world wide and is popular to people, maybe because it unique and new.

I'm looking for the change in society so maybe a icon like this can lead and show to the meaning of the change, and also what I like is that the artist does not have to be used in the video making more professional presentation as his voice is part of the story. Voice are main and powerful due to tone of voice and accents.

It also shows the life of this create and how it affects people in the cultural code, in my music video I want someone like pressing buttons to change the society, like a mysterious leader / god that can change music in a instant.

Overall these music videos have narrowed down my pathways to thinking towards what song could make a successful combinational aspects. And that to research Kele and Other links refernced to him.

Weather conditions for filming;

Filming on 27th October 16:00 - 18:30 29th October 16:00 - 18:00 30th October 14:00 - 18:00